from loop_detection.classes import Range, WildcardExpr, Combination, MultiField, Trie, Node, build_interval_tree
from typing import Set, Union, Iterable, List
NodeName = Union[int, str]
Action = Union[NodeName, None]
Rule = Union[Range, WildcardExpr, MultiField]
def common_elements(list_of_sets: List[Set]) -> Set[Rule]:
"""" Returns the set of elements present in all the sets provided as input"""
if not list_of_sets:
return set()
common_set = set(list_of_sets[0])
for s in list_of_sets[1:]:
common_set = common_set.intersection(s)
return common_set
def get_intersections(trees: Iterable[Node], r: Rule) -> Set[Rule]:
"""" Returns a set of rules which intersect with the query rules r"""
result = []
for tree in trees:
inters = tree.find_intersects(r)
ret = common_elements(result)
return ret
def add_rule(r, UC, trees):
Adds a rule to a set of uncovered combinations and updates the set following the more efficient algorithm
r : Rule
new rule to add
UC : set
current set of Combination instances
trees : list
list of the trees for each dimension (trie, interval trees)
new set of Combination instances
if len(UC) == 0:
for tree in trees:
return UC#, trees
############################### PARENT COMPUTATION ##################################
new = set() # combinations c&r that aren't present in UC yet
incl = set() # all combinations that include r
if len(trees) == 1:
inter = trees[0].find_intersects(r) # only a range or only a wildcard
inter = get_intersections(trees, r) # a multifield : we must go through each dimension
inter = sorted(inter, key=lambda c: c.rule.get_card()) # sort by non-decreasing cardinality
for c in inter: # for each comb in inter, starting from the smallest
cc = c & r # get the intersection with r
if cc not in incl: # if cc not already in the combis included in r
if cc not in UC:
new.add(cc) # to keep track of the newly generated combis
for elem in UC: # cc already in UC, retreive the corresonding element
if elem == cc:
cc = elem
cc.parent = c # set the minimal parent
else: # cc already in present in incl, then the parent is the one set previously
for elem in incl: # retreive the combi from incl, the last set version
if elem == cc:
cc = elem
if not cc.parent < c: # if the parent of cc is NOT included in c, then cc is covered
cc.covered = True
# remove the covered combis from all lists
incl = {c for c in incl if not c.covered}
new = {c for c in new if not c.covered}
UC = {c for c in UC if not c.covered}
for uc in new:
for tree in trees:
################################# ATOM SIZE COMPUTATION ##################################
incl_sorted = sorted(incl, key=lambda c: c.rule.get_card())
for c in incl_sorted: # for each combination that include r
if c.atsize > 0:
if c in new:
c.parent.atsize -= c.atsize
c.sup = {c.parent}
c.sup.update(c.parent.sup) # update sup
#c.cont.update(c.parent.cont) # update the cont : take the same container as the parent
c.cont += c.parent.cont
intersections = {d & r for d in c.sup}
to_add = {intersection for intersection in intersections - {c} if
intersection in incl} # add in sup the intersection bewteen r and the elements of sup other than c itself
#if len(r.comp) != 1: #we add a combination from a previous get_UC computation (valid when propagation is used)
#c.cont = c.cont | r.cont
# c.cont += r.cont
# #c.cont.add(r) # add r as a container for c
for d in c.sup: # warning : these elements aren't refered too in UC, so we must retrive the equal (not same) combi from new
if d in new:
matching_elem = next((elem for elem in new if elem == d), None)
if matching_elem:
matching_elem.atsize -= c.atsize # update the size in UC
for uc in UC.copy():
if uc.atsize == 0:
#print("remove", uc.get_name(), uc)
#print('after removing', [(u, u.get_name()) for u in UC])
for tree in trees:
#print("at size empty", uc.get_name(), uc)
#print('before return', [i.get_name() for i in UC])
return UC#, trees
def get_UC(R: List[Rule]) -> Set[Combination]:
Returns the set of uncovered combinations using the algorithm with the best complexity (add_rule)
R : iterable
list/set Rules
set of Combination instances
UC: Set[Combination] = set()
max_rule = max(R, key=lambda rule: rule.get_card())
R.insert(0, max_rule)
# create the skeleton of the trees, but don't add elements yet
if isinstance(R[0], Range): # range : one interval tree for the whole collection
trees = [build_interval_tree(R, keep_empty=True)]
elif isinstance(R[0], WildcardExpr): # wc : one trie for the whole collection
wc_len = len(R[0].expr)
trees = [Trie(key=None, depth=0, l=wc_len + 1)]
elif isinstance(R[0], MultiField): # multifield : one trie and multiple interval trees
num_r = 0
num_wc = 0
wc_len = 0
for rule in R[0].rules:
if isinstance(rule, Range):
num_r += 1
num_wc += 1
wc_len = len(rule.expr)
trees = [build_interval_tree(R, keep_empty=True, axis=i) for i in range(num_r)]
if num_wc == 1:
trees.append(Trie(key=None, depth=0, l=wc_len + 1))
raise ValueError('Invalid Class ', type(R[0]))
for i, r in enumerate(R):
UC = add_rule(Combination(r, comp={}), UC, trees)
return UC